Author name: inconadm

Price index not omnipotent – large companies to have constant cost advantage

The Road Transport Price Index is a commendable effort, but there are still many aspects it cannot address. On one hand, the index value, which considers SME numbers, would likely be 2-5% higher. On the other hand, it’s not just rising costs but also limited cargo space that causes freight charges to skyrocket.

Price index not omnipotent – large companies to have constant cost advantage Read More »

Lack of goods and cargo space – do we feel it this Easter?

Modern consumers cannot imagine living in a world where there are products they can afford but that are not available. We are experiencing this feeling, and it’s hard to understand, but we may have to live with it in the coming years. Therefore, we are particularly happy that we can still guarantee the magic of Easter for our children, just as we always have, even though it may cost us more.

Lack of goods and cargo space – do we feel it this Easter? Read More »

Professional and private person – Gyulai Krisztina, founder of INCON-LOGISTIC Ltd.

INCON-LOGISTIC has been characterized by German precision and an ethical work attitude both inside and outside the company, making it a role model since its inception. The INCON-LOGISTIC team excels in shipping tasks requiring great expertise.

Professional and private person – Gyulai Krisztina, founder of INCON-LOGISTIC Ltd. Read More »