International shipping

International shipping is a method of transporting goods from one country to another. The aim is to deliver goods safely, quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively from the sender to the recipient, considering legal, customs, commercial, and logistical aspects.

International shipping can encompass various methods and branches depending on the modes and means of transport used, the goods being transported, the distance, and the duration. The most common types and branches of international shipping are as follows:

Road transport

Road transport is typically utilized for short distances, smaller volumes or weights of goods, or items that are challenging to transport otherwise. Its advantage lies in its flexibility, speed, and affordability. However, its disadvantages include limited capacities and its lack of environmental friendliness.

Sea transport.

Sea transport is typically suitable for very long distances, large volumes or weights of goods, or items that are not time-sensitive. The advantage lies in its huge capacities, affordability, and global reach. However, its disadvantages include slowness, complexity, and dependency on sea conditions.

Rail transport.

Rail transport is primarily suitable for long distances, high volumes or weights of goods, or items unaffected by temperature or moisture. Its advantages include high capacities and safety, environmental friendliness, and cost-effectiveness. However, its disadvantages include slowness, lack of flexibility, and dependency on railway infrastructure.

Air transport

Air transport is the optimal choice for shipping products of small quantity or weight, those requiring urgent delivery to maintain freshness, or those sensitive to timing. Its advantages include speed, efficiency, and reliability. However, disadvantages include high cost, limited capacities, environmental pollution, and dependency on air traffic.