Have you ever thought about bidding on a tender? Or taking on tender shipments?

Many carriers choose not to participate directly in tenders. With 20 years of experience under our belt, we are committed to supporting our subcontractors and can even join forces in bidding for tenders when needed, aiming for a win-win situation to maximize the outcomes of each tender opportunity.

Before we release our prices for tender shipments, we take the time to thoroughly assess all aspects and prepare diligently for discussions with our clients. Our years of experience have made us proficient in handling tenders. So, how does INCON-LOGISTIC Ltd. prepare for each tender? We’ve put together 10 tips on how to succeed in bidding for a tender, which you can find here.

We maintain a close relationship with our subcontractors to ensure we can deliver the awarded tender shipments accurately and efficiently, making sure it’s profitable for both them and us.

As the last tender post of the month, we reached out to one of our subcontractors who regularly handles tender shipments on our behalf. I asked János for his thoughts on tendering. To understand the benefits of tender shipments, let’s take a look at Jani’s responses!

How often do you handle tender shipments?
“The correct answer is on a daily basis. I handle tender shipments for several companies every day, just like with INCON.”

Do you think tender shipments are easier or harder to manage than non-tender shipments?
“Definitely easier.”

What advantages do these shipments offer?
“They provide a fundamental stability since these shipments are regular and consistent. Because of this, I can easily organize the transports. Tender assignments aren’t always complete shipments, and it’s not worth starting a transport with just one or two pallets of goods. Knowing what to expect with tender loading allows me to organize partial loads in advance, maximizing cargo space utilization. This is very important for increasing profit and reducing the specific carbon footprint, not to mention that it enhances my competitiveness in the market.”

How do your past shipment experiences help you manage tender deliveries more quickly and efficiently?
“The great advantage is that, whether you intend to or not, you pick up a lot over time. After a while, you get used to the routes and know their ins and outs. Familiar tender jobs provide knowledge, local insights, and recognition. I think it’s also very helpful that most places already recognize us and have a good opinion of us. This gives a significant time advantage because loading and unloading are usually quicker.”

How do you find the flexibility and reliability of the tender system regarding meeting delivery deadlines?
“I think everyone is very flexible. I particularly appreciate the flexibility and punctuality with INCON tenders. I have my usual protocol, and if any changes occur, we resolve them together correctly. Loading and unloading are similar. It’s not a problem if I arrive early or if I’m delayed because they trust me and know me; the key is to communicate everything on time and avoid surprises.”

How much do tender jobs affect your daily life?
“Tendering doesn’t create any significant extra work for me; these assignments are always my top priority for organizing transport. However, the biggest advantage is also its biggest challenge. When I know I have that certain transport scheduled, I also start organizing another cargo, but sometimes the shipment gets canceled at the last minute. In those cases, I have to deliver the other part without the tender goods. Unfortunately, there are situations like this where production stops, and there are no goods.”

Do you enjoy this work?
“I do enjoy it, even when I’m in a stressful situation, and even when things go smoothly. I believe in a positive future where I will have more opportunities for tender work.”

How do you find INCON’s tender shipments? What’s it like working with us?
“As I recently mentioned, I love the flexibility and precision that comes with INCON tenders. While it’s quite rare to have varying quantities, if it does happen (in significant cases), they handle it quickly and correctly. Another great positive is that loading and unloading doesn’t take long. If there’s any issue, the INCON team responds quickly and finds a solution immediately. I love working with the INCON team; it’s a pleasure! My first shipment was with them, and even though there was a slight pause in our collaboration, I still enjoy working with them and we collaborate regularly!”

Has tender shipping piqued your interest? It sounds exciting, doesn’t it? If you don’t have experience, you can jump into this process at any time; all you need is a capable team to prepare the proper tender documentation. If you encounter any obstacles, we’re here to help – let’s tackle the tender together! And if you’d like to become one of our subcontractors, feel free to reach out via email at! 😉

If you’re interested in learning more about tendering, you can access our Tender Quick Guide through this link, where we’ve compiled the essential foundations of tender announcements based on our experiences! The INCON-LOGISTIC Ltd. team is excited to welcome new inquiries!

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