5+1 Statements on the future of logistics

The European continent is poised to become the first to embrace the greenest modes of transportation. While robotization offers a solution to labor shortages, the question remains: can we truly function without human involvement? What role will artificial intelligence play in the future of freight forwarding and transportation?

Here are 5+1 key considerations for the future of shipping:

  1. The European continent will lead the transition to greener transportation. Europe places a paramount emphasis on environmental protection, even at the regulatory level. Over the next 20-30 years, Europe is expected to pioneer the adoption of the greenest transportation methods, albeit with a significant impact on pricing.
  2. Robotization addresses labor issues, but can humans be entirely replaced? The rapid advancement of automation is evident in warehouses utilizing robots for goods movement, as well as the testing of driverless cars and trucks in the U.S. However, questions persist regarding tasks such as parcel retrieval, customs duty resolution, and error filtering in automated systems without human intervention.
  3. Increased outsourcing acceleration. Companies are increasingly prioritizing their core operations, leading to a surge in outsourcing. This trend is expected to continue, potentially offering swift solutions to labor challenges.
  4. Integration of Artificial Intelligence in freight forwarding. Fully automated solutions driven by artificial intelligence are likely to dominate freight forwarding and optimization within a couple of decades. These systems will optimize cargo volume, distance, and fuel consumption based on input data, thereby contributing significantly to environmental initiatives.
  5. Embracing smart logistics. As the volume of goods transported annually continues to rise, innovative solutions are essential. This necessitates creative product design, packaging, and order optimization to minimize wasted space during transport. Intermodal transportation and the widespread adoption of double-decker trucks further enhance efficiency and environmental sustainability.

+1. Promoting green shipping. The social cost of logistics is substantial, yet few are willing to foot the bill. While globalization brings numerous benefits, it also exacerbates environmental pollution. However, by acknowledging shipping’s historically green nature, we can collectively strive to restore its environmentally friendly status.