Pharma Logistics in a Climate Crisis

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In pharma logistics, it’s essential to pay close attention not just to human medicines, but also to veterinary medicines. In this article, we’ll dive into the unique challenges faced in this field, particularly concerning climate change and the management of veterinary products. Plus, you’ll get a glimpse into one of our fascinating shipments to Kazakhstan.

How critical is temperature regulation during medication transport? Well, in the transportation of modern, biologically based medicines, the consistency of the transport temperature has become a key factor in 2024. With the increasing emphasis on biotechnological active ingredients, most of these medications thrive in a temperature range of 2-8 degrees Celsius. Even the slightest deviation—whether too cold or too warm—can transform valuable pharmaceutical shipments into waste. This not only leads to financial losses but also poses serious health risks for patients.

Extreme weather events resulting from climate change, such as heatwaves and unexpected frosts, pose significant challenges in the handling of pharmaceutical shipments. During the hot summer months, rising temperatures can elevate the internal temperature of refrigerated cargo holds to critical levels, threatening the efficacy of medications. Conversely, unexpected frosts can lead to a drastic decrease in the temperature of products, which can compromise the quality of shipments. Continuous monitoring and maintenance of temperature are essential to minimize the transportation risks associated with biotechnological active ingredients.

Ensuring regulated temperatures has become even more critical to maintaining the effectiveness of medicines and preventing costly waste. Companies need to adopt innovative technologies, such as temperature sensors and smart transportation systems, to guarantee the safe and efficient delivery of pharmaceuticals. Meeting these challenges will be key to the future of pharma logistics.

While such special care-requiring shipments were once a rarity a decade ago, today nearly one-third of pharmaceutical shipments consist of biotech products, which demand controlled temperatures to be maintained at every point of the supply chain.

This means that logistics partners must not only be familiar with the protocols for various active ingredients but also implement them thoroughly and without exception.

Protocols Required for the Transportation of Human and Veterinary Medicines:

  • Maintaining the Right Temperature: It’s crucial to keep the proper temperature throughout the shipping process.
  • Proper Packaging and Adherence to Shipping Times: Ensuring that the packaging is done right and that all delivery timelines are met is key.
  • Use of Temperature Sensors: Utilizing temperature sensors is vital for continuously monitoring the refrigerated environment.
  • Insulation and Protection in Packaging: Packaging must provide insulation and protection against external factors.
  • Accurate Shipping Documentation: It’s equally important to complete the shipping documentation accurately, which includes the classification of the medicines, tracking details, and necessary permits for transportation.

How does INCON-LOGISTIC Ltd. guarantee the protocol necessary for the transportation of veterinary medicines?

  • Thorough and Reliable Planning: We ensure a solid foundation through careful planning.
  • Exploring All Options and Offering Alternatives: We assess all possibilities and suggest viable alternatives.
  • Proactive Answers to Your Questions: We address any potential questions ahead of time to ensure clarity.
  • Expert Evaluation: We provide expert insights and assessments throughout the process.

You can find our related service at this link:

Now let me share with you an interesting story about one of our shipments! We are currently preparing to transport veterinary medicines to Kazakhstan, based on our client’s order. The task is not simple, as there are numerous obstacles in our way, but despite all the challenges, we are continuously working to ensure the effective delivery and safety of the products.

We are currently facing significant logistical challenges regarding the transport of veterinary medicines to Kazakhstan. Unfortunately, the shipment has not yet been able to depart, as the recipient has not clarified whether transit through Russia is permitted. This is particularly important due to the Russia-Ukraine war, as using Russian routes could negatively impact the product’s image and value.

Transit through Russia poses significant risks, as public opinion and market trends are highly sensitive to political events. If the veterinary medicines arrive via Russia, there is a possibility that the goods could be linked to contentious political situations. All of this could diminish the market value and reputation of the medications.

The shipment consists of sensitive products, so the composition of the medications and the challenges posed by climate change, such as rising temperatures, require heightened attention. Due to geopolitical reasons, we are seeking alternative solutions that do not involve Russia to avoid risky routes, but this is not an easy task. We also considered rail transport; however, controlling the temperature is much more difficult in this case, making it a less effective solution. Air transport seems promising, as we can store the medication cartons in refrigerated boxes. However, we encountered another issue: the aircraft can only deliver the products to the capital city, and from there the destination is about 800 kilometers away. Local air freight companies are unwilling to take on the further transportation within the country.

It is particularly important for us that the medicines arrive safely and at the correct temperature. This shipment is not only costly but also complex, making it essential for all parties involved—our client and their customer—to agree on the proposed solution. The story of this transportation continues, as this is just the initial chapter, and exciting developments lie ahead!

These challenges test us and highlight the importance of careful planning and ongoing communication. Given the extreme weather conditions associated with the climate crisis, it requires specialized tools and expertise to ensure that the medicines reach their destination safely.

If you have any further questions regarding the medication delivery, please feel free to contact us at!

The INCON-LOGISTIC team is ready for this!

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