Logistics news

Does it pay to invest in Smart technology as a freight forwarder?

The latest issue of Fuvarlevél analyses “science fiction in our lives” and smart technology that is decisive in logistics and transportation. Based on INCON-LOGISTIC’s experience, Gyulai Krisztina shares her thoughts about how these trends are transforming logistics.

Does it pay to invest in Smart technology as a freight forwarder? Read More »

Where do we end up? Is Forint to be blamed for everything?

As everyday customers, we feel the constant creeping up of product prices. The Forint exchange rate has drastically weakened against the euro, the dollar, and regional currencies in the past six months. Setting the exchange rate in a small, open country like Hungary is difficult. Let’s examine how the weakening of the Forint impacts our daily lives.

Where do we end up? Is Forint to be blamed for everything? Read More »

Fast adjustment to replace standstill

Managers and owners of shipping companies often find themselves in situations where clients reveal their strategic decisions. This is particularly true in the aftermath of Covid and amidst the current war. As veterans in the logistics sector, we navigate challenges daily to maintain our usual standards, all the while gaining insight into how various market players react to the current situation. Part 2

Fast adjustment to replace standstill Read More »

Uncertainty boosts accumulation – no ease on logistics sector burdens

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict raises worldwide concern among economic actors and society. As an owner, managing director, and seasoned veteran in the logistics sector, I face challenges daily to maintain our usual level of performance. On the other hand, we have insight into how various market players react to the war situation and the purchasing decisions they make in order to survive and reorganize.. Part 1

Uncertainty boosts accumulation – no ease on logistics sector burdens Read More »